2019 Ecobank Day – a roaring success across Africa

December 3, 2019

Ecobank Day saw thousands galvanize in spreading awareness on Non-Communicable Diseases

Ecobank Day is an opportunity for staff of Ecobank across Africa to come out and give back to the communities where they live and work each year.

In 2019, Ecobank asked its staff to advise on the most pressing issue that Ecobank Day should focus on. Their response? Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)and the indiscriminate ways in which they affect all – crosses gender, income and age demographics.

Our goal as a leading pan-African financial institution is to remain close to issues that affect Africans. Today, NCDs account for over 70% of deaths worldwide.

The Ecobank Day was recently redesigned to focus on a core issue for three years rather than one cause annually in order to be more impactful.  For the next three years, our focus will be on NCDs and we are also engaging and educating our own staff on making healthier lifestyle choices, in addition to enlightening our communities in each of our countries.

We are pleased with the strong partnerships with Ministries of Health and civil society organisations, each crafted with the purpose of facilitating Africa’s social transformation – a core mandate for Ecobank.

Though our core business is banking, we recognize our social responsibility which will enable us further succeed when we come Together for Better Health.

For more information about this year’s series of activities, visit: https://www.ecobank.com/ecobank-day